Daddy's Revenge : Built By Daddy at KidsRCrazy
Daddys Revenge
Play Game

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Good luck trying to beat this game.. You must find the rocket ship...  Fat chance, with all those monsters...  Good luck kids.

Watch out, I set some traps for you...

If you are lucky you will find some armor, weapons, and extra health.

By the way, the lava monster will throw lava at you.  Ouch that hurts...


If you are super clever, you can add this game to your website with the code below.

<div align="center"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" id="splodergame" base="" width="640" height="480" wmode="transparent" salign="tl" scale="noscale" ></embed><br /><a href="">Make Your Own Game for Free!</a></div>


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